Monday, April 18, 2011

Swim Lesson #2 & some craziness!

I am so happy to report that our second lesson went great! I spoke to the teacher on the phone the morning of her class and we talked about me getting in the water the next class if things did not get better. The Mommy and me classes at this school only goes up to age 2 but they would have me get in the water then ween me out. We also talked about me stepping away from the pool area but not out of the building where I could hear her and peak in but she could not see me . I must admit I was not crazy about the idea but she told me if I was not comfortable at any time I could come right back up. When we arrived we watched a bit of the class before hers and then when it was her turn she did start crying but I was able to get her in the water and hand her off to her teacher. I told her I was not leaving, she cried for about 2 minutes and then calmed down. She kicked, floated and played water games with her teacher! I was so proud of her! I could hear her asking the teacher "I see Mommy" and the teacher would say "yes Mommy is here and you will see her when your lesson is done and she would say "OK".

And for a little craziness in our lives we unfortunately have had to up and leave our house. We have a tree that is next to our house but not on our property that was struck by lightening recently and with the recent storms it has become so much worse. It is split from the bottom all the way up to the top it is a HUGE cypress tree. I don't want to get into to much detail but we have had two arborist out and both said the tree needs to come down and ASAP, there is no way to save it and they also advised us to get out until it is cut down. They think if it does come down it could land on our house and it will crush it to the slab, (just lovely but I am trying not to think about that part). I am thankful to have a place to stay (Joey's Dads) but I am hoping to get things resolved this week with the owners of the property, so just say a little prayer......please

These pictures were taking a week ago when we had my friend and her two girls over. Merrin loves them and they keep her very busy so it was great we actually were able to enjoy some wine and just watch the kiddos play.
Hopefully I will be back in my house so I can download the pics from this weekend we had a great time at the Asian Fest!

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